
Drinking addiction: Psychological or physical?

Insomnia or lack of sleep is another physical addictive dependency attribute versus the psychological dependency attribute. Taken together, a substantial body of evidence suggests that changes in CRF function within the brain and neuroendocrine systems may influence motivation to resume alcohol self-administration either directly and/or by mediating withdrawal-related anxiety and stress/dysphoria responses. Those with severe psychological addiction become consumed with their drug of choice. These substances become the central focus of their life, to the detriment of relationships, jobs and overall health. The definition of physical dependence refers almost exclusively to the physical ramifications of addiction characterized by the symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal. Although physical addiction can lead to dangerous withdrawal effects, physical addiction is often easier to treat through the detoxification process.

Not only does physical dependence make it difficult for the body to self-regulate, but psychological dependence affects a person’s judgment, decision-making, mental health, and emotional health. For example, someone who is psychologically dependent on drugs or alcohol might continue drinking even after multiple DUIs or legal consequences. Furthermore, people with psychological dependence will experience strong and recurring urges to use drugs, even when they want to stop. Your confusion is understandable as alcohol use disorder can be BOTH a habitual (psychological) and a chemical (physical) addiction. Psychological dependence occurs when a person drinks in order to function “normally” and feel good. If a person stops drinking, they may experience changes in mood such as anxiety, depression, or irritability.

Types of Addiction

If you or a loved one are having seizures, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Seizures are sudden and uncontrolled actions disturbing the brain wave pattern. Angry outbursts are another symptom of a physical addictive dependency versus psychological addictive dependency. Angry outbursts can be caused by psychological dependence on alcohol frustration when the person is feeling helpless and they feel the substance they are on is too strong to overcome. The user would need to get professional help to deal with sobriety and help with the angry outbursts. Depression or a doubtful attitude can be problematic when trying to go to recovery to get help.

Depending on the addiction, it was previously thought to be either one or the other. Here at Sana Lake Kansas City Rehab, we have a great detox program that will help you and your body recover physically and psychologically. 3In operant procedures, animals must first perform certain response (e.g., press a lever) before they receive a stimulus (e.g., a small amount of alcohol). By modifying the required response (e.g., increasing the number of lever presses required before the alcohol is delivered) researchers can determine the motivational value of the stimulus for the animal.

What is the Treatment for Psychological Addiction?

Even less problematic discomforts, such as sweating and teary eyes, are both attributes of physical addictive dependence versus psychological addictive dependence. Constipation and diarrhea are two effects that physically manifest themselves. Having diarrhea can cause dehydration which can lead to other health problems.

physical and psychological dependence on alcohol

We teach patients why a physical vs psychological dependence matters and how to deal with both positively. Contact us now to see how we can help you or a loved one overcome chemical dependency. The origin of CBT is that a professor and psychologist realized that subconscious thoughts could deeply affect mental health. For instance, every person has “automatic” thoughts that arise in response to a situation. Often, people are unaware of these thoughts even though they can result in a mental illness.

Programs With a Focus on Psychological Dependence

In treatment, the difference between physical and psychological dependence matters. In fact, treatment professionals map the course of your programs and therapies according to your type of addiction. They get to know your dependence and related factors for treatment before you start on your road to recovery.

  • That being said, the old assumption that there is a complete separation between the mind (the psychological) and the body (the physical) is both reductive and inaccurate based on our current understanding of how addictions work.
  • But detox doesn’t fix the other aspect of addiction—a more binding, more potent addiction known as psychological addiction.
  • Activation of the HPA axis and CRF-related brain stress circuitry resulting from alcohol dependence likely contributes to amplified motivation to drink.
  • This seal indicates our commitment to continually elevating our standards and providing a superior treatment for substance abuse.

We offer a safe and trustworthy facility for people struggling with substance abuse. This seal indicates our commitment to continually elevating our standards and providing a superior treatment for substance abuse. Whether you are facing a physical dependence or psychological dependence, self-soothing is a great way to help combat withdrawals.

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