
God of War 2 or PUBG? Ranking Gaming’s Most Hilarious April Fools’ Jokes

In this time of COVID-19 Pandemic, the world is on a standstill, the economy is declining and the world is locked in! April fool’s day this year didn’t come with the zest, it usually used to bring with it. But, there is something we all need to understand. Humour and joy can bring much-needed relief during such hard times.

God of War 2 or PUBG Ranking Gaming’s Most Hilarious April Fools Jokes

So, the gaming industries made their shot at lightening the hard mood. Let us see the April Fool’s jokes made by God of War II and PUBG!

  1. God of War 2

Santa Monica Studio officially did a tweet on April Fool’s Day. It stated the release of the PlayStation 5 exclusive God of War 2. It also had details of the trailer and the interview timings with the God of War’s director, Cory Barlog. This was a cunning joke as the live stream too was a fake and nothing actually came up after this.

  1. PUBG

On this event, PUBG too announced the introduction of a week-long Fantasy Battle Royale event mode. This event mode is only for a limited time interval, that is from 1st April to 7th April.

What is fun and humor about this is that this joke is true! Yes, this is true and this mode is something completely different. This is actually an optional event mode, which will let you choose among the four possible classes to take on the battlegrounds. The vehicles, weapons, crafting materials and much more are all different now. Just jump in and enjoy this time!

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Having a keen interest in technology and gadgets, I love writing reviews and insights for electronic items like Smart Phones, Smart Watches, Games, Gaming devices, etc. I am a tech enthusiast with a passion for the smartphone world, been reviewing and experimenting with them for the last 8 years.

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